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Brian J. d'Auriol and L. Susan Draper, "A Free Space Optical Bus Parallel Model Framework", Proceedings of the The 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'05), June 27-30, 2005, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, USA, Hamid R. Arabnia (Ed.), pp. 591-597, Vol. II, CSREA Press.
Optical bus parallel computing models have gained research interest in recent years. Two types of models have emerged, the fiber-based models are theoretically relatively mature and used for algorithm design whereas free space models are more architecture-oriented but less theoretically mature. This paper proposes a framework model for describing attributes necessary for a viable free space bus architecture. Subsequently, the framework guides the design of a basic free space optical bus architecture that is based on a particular fiber-based model. In this way, the maturity of fiber-based models is combined with the advantages provided by free space optics.
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